Ann Hayward was the oldest daughter of William and Ann, born on 20 Feb 1777 in Uxbridge, Middlesex.

She married Benedict John Angell, a wealthy landowner, at St Leonard's Shoreditch in 1797.  Benedict's history is interesting in its own right.  Born Benedict John Angell Brown, his connection to the wealthy line of Angells was through his great grandmother, Frances.  The extensive Angell estate, centred around Lambeth, was the subject of considerable and lengthy litigation throughout the 18th century.  John Angell, who died in 1750 was pre-deceased by his son and his estate was seized by the then Lord of the Manor in Lambeth, only admitting John senior's second son, also called John, by grace and favour.  This younger John Angell was notorious for his obstinacy and tendency to litigation:

"The propensity of Mr. Angell to litigations at law, and his disposition to perpetuate them after his decease, appear from the clauses of his will that enjoin large sums of money to be reserved out of his estates, and appropriated to that use”, and from “his random devise of his estates to the heirs male (if any there be) of his remote ancestors”

John Angell would no doubt have approved of the litigation and disputes relating to his estate after his death in 1784.  This was eventually resolved by Benedit John Angell Brown and his brother, William Brown, both being admitted to the estate (John Angell having not married and therefore had no children to whom he might pass the estate).  Both Brown brothers were to take the Angell name.  It was Benedict John Angell Brown (later to be called BJA Angell) who was to marry Ann Hayward.

Not long after their marriage, Benedict had Rumsey house built for him and his wife on the Studley estate, which had long been in Brown hands.  Ann and Benedict moved into their new house around 1800.  They also kept a house in Stockwell, London, Angell's House, which has not survived.

Rumsey house became a focal point for the Budds.  Benedict and Ann had six children there.  But it also became the place that many of the Budd family came back to.  It is believed that William and Ann, Ann's parents, lived on the estate with his remaining four dependent children following his bankruptcy in 1799.  We know Samuel Hayward was living there in the 1820s, Ann's brother Henry died there and that Hopewell and Edward lived close by in their later years.

Benedict and Ann are buried together at Christchurch, Derry Hill (alongside their son John).  Inside the church a large momument to BJA Angell can be found.

Ann Hayward Budd (became Angell)

Rumsey House. Calne

Angell's house, Stockwell

Benedict and Ann's tomb, Derry Hill, Calne

Angell's house, later known as Stockwell Park House, from the garden