I am related to the Budds through my mother.
I used to sit on my great Aunty Lil’s bed as she showed me her son’s flying logbook from World War Two (sold when she died, along with his medals and uniform, still trying to track them down). Her son was William Hayward Budd - her husband, Herbert Hayward Budd was a third generation medical man and died working with lepers in South Africa in 1927.
A trip to South Africa in 2009 rekindled my interest in the family. Since then I have spent many hundreds of hours researching this fascinating family.
This site contains some of the highlights from my research. I will publish updates from time to time, and in the meantime, I would love to hear from anyone who is interested, has information, or just wants to get in touch.
Pilot Officer William Hayward Budd RAFVR